A September post that somehow never published: My Part
Wednesday, January 02, 2008
Yesterday I was outside and saw a couple of the neighborhood cats (literally cats) squaring off. I know it is a part of their culture but I would rather they didn't fight here. I like them both and would like to see neither of them controlling my turf - sort of a demilitarized zone. Regardless, I stepped up and one of them bolted. The other stayed crouched low and I noticed something in its mouth. I waved my arms and yelled and he jumped backwards, but crouched low to the ground again, ears cocked back, giving me a full face of spite. I looked to the place he left and saw a young rabbit huddled in a tight ball, trying not to draw any attention. I stepped toward it and as it bolted for the cover of some shrubs, the cat ran up and grabbed it. As the big tom cat ran for the cover of a hedge, its little victim wailed in fear. I chased the cat into the hedge and poked at it with a stick until finally it gave up the bunny and ran off down the alley.My hood, punk ass cat!
The little thing huddled silent and still once again, but it was so visible and vulnerable, my conscience wouldn't let me leave it alone. I kept startling it until it ran along the hedge finding a hollow. I covered most of the shallow hole with sticks, but considering the way of things in nature decided I did more than maybe I should and left it there. It didn't look like it was hurt too badly - steady breathing, no blood, running normally, etc. Hopefully it is still doing o.k.
The reason I am telling this story is because it made me think about my relationship to the greater scheme of things. All sorts of things that I will not tolerate "in my yard" are happening all over the world. And though I am willing to help, there is only so much I can do. But I can still do something, no matter how small when it presents itself. All over the world cats kill rabbits and maybe it's because otherwise they would overpopulate to the point where the habitat would not tolerate them. I can't and shouldn't control that.
But what I survey is sanctuary. What I do will be compensated for.