crows nest
from here I can almost see the sea
The civilized man has built a coach, but has lost the use of his feet.
- R. W. Emerson

Trying to channel Bob Ross

Thursday, December 20, 2007
I took a painting class this semester. Before doing so, I had only had a few drawing classes and was pretty intimidated by it. But in the process of learning I realized that painting is going to be something I will probably do for life.

Here are a few of my paintings from this semester.

Pardon the low quality of light, etc. I just wanted to get them up. Click on the image to see it larger.
9:25 AM :: ::
  • Impressive stuff. You could kick Bob Ross' ass. Much more so now that he's dead. Too soon?

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 12/21/2007 12:47 PM  
  • No, not too soon.

    I *do* find it easier to compete with the dead. They are much more my speed.

    By Blogger Ian, at 12/22/2007 9:36 PM  
  • I was just at a craft store (cause I'm crafty like that) and saw the Bob Ross painting kit and they give you five shitty paints and a 1" brush. I think that would be nice for say, painting a house, but...

    I think Bob would be ashamed. No fan brush, I mean come on! How are you going to find the squirrel a home without a fan brush?

    By Blogger Ian, at 12/22/2007 9:39 PM  
  • If I remember right Bobby was most impressive with a putty knife. The kit should come with a fro pick a dime bag and a frickin' putty knife.

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 12/24/2007 9:22 PM  
  • Hah! You know, now that you mention it did have the putty knife! Maybe there is some small print on the back "dime bag, and afro pick not included. Bob recommends that you stop boggarting and get your own."

    By Blogger Ian, at 12/25/2007 8:33 AM  
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