crows nest
from here I can almost see the sea
The civilized man has built a coach, but has lost the use of his feet.
- R. W. Emerson

Endings and Beginnings

Tuesday, December 11, 2007
Well, I just finished my Final Project for my final required class of my undergraduate career.

God Damn!

So I am having my own little personal celebration, enjoying a glass of Hennepin, letting the feeling wash over me.

And on Pandora, the music is following the lead. Right when I got done, Iron and Wine's "Passing Afternoon" came on, and now, Colin Hay's "Waiting for My Real Life to Begin." Aside from the Radio show, the overriding theme of my life has been stasis. Though I think it will carry on through Winter by the nature of the season... I am leaning forward and gravity is working its weight on me. I have to choose to start walking or fall on my face.

And now "Digging a Ditch" by Dave Matthews Band! Damn!

The Radio is my Tarot.

But I will ramble on later. I still have to finish four paintings by Saturday and have a final on Monday.

But stay attuned... I have so much to share.
11:35 PM :: ::
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