Sunday, September 16, 2007
What follows is an e-mail I received on Friday at work. I highlighted the "fun parts."DISTRIBUTION OF SOY ISOFLAVONES STUDY
Healthy male volunteers between 18-35 years of age are needed to
participate in a research study designed to understand the distribution of
soy-derived compounds called isoflavones in the body, especially with
regard to the prostate gland.
Are you?
* Male, between 18-35 years of age
* Approximately normal body weight
* No antibiotic use within the past 3 months
* No history of chronic diseases
* Not allergic to soy foods
If you answered yes to all these questions you may qualify to be a part of
the Do-Soy! Study.
As a participant in the study you will be needed to take an isoflavone
supplement tablet three times per day for a period of 7 days.
In addition to taking the supplement, you will be required to visit the
General Clinical Research Center,[snip] two times during the
study. The visits will be scheduled in the morning and will need an
overnight fast. Each visit will last for 1 hour 1.5 hours. At each visit
we will ask you for a 24-hour urine collection, blood and semen. At the
second visit prostatic secretion will be obtained from you via a prostate
massage. You will be asked to collect urine after the prostate massage.
Trained personnel will perform all these procedures. Participants will be
paid up to $100 for the proper completion of the study. You will also be
asked to keep a record of your diet for 3 days before each study visit.
Detailed information will be provided at the orientation.
Hmm... good thing they have a trained professional for the massage. I wouldn't want one of those amateur prostrate masseurs. I hope they have a good benefits package.
2:56 PM ::
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Ian :: permalink

Did you just say you hope th prostate masseuse has a good... package.
By Greg, at 9/21/2007 12:58 PM
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