The civilized man has built a coach, but has lost the use of his feet.
- R. W. Emerson
Pledge Drive at KFAI
Sunday, September 30, 2007

Just wanted to make a quick note.
If you listen regularly to
my radio show, you will hear tonight that we are conducting our Fall pledge drive.
I ask that, whether you simply support this kind of radio, KFAI specifically, my show, or you want to support me in one of my passions, you take a moment to pledge to the station tonight. I am not going to be drawn out and pressuring here, but will say that one of the best ways for the station to know my listenership (even if all friends and family) is from pledges.
So, you can give as little as you want or as much. Just decide whether it is worth it to you for whatever reason.
Peace to you all - friends, family, unknown lurkers...
This may be my breaking point...
Tuesday, September 25, 2007
Now, I accept that having domesticated animals in our condo is not their "best habitat," but I was buying cat litter today and saw...
this product and it's marketing sloganWhat?!
Sunday, September 16, 2007
What follows is an e-mail I received on Friday at work. I highlighted the "fun parts."
Healthy male volunteers between 18-35 years of age are needed to
participate in a research study designed to understand the distribution of
soy-derived compounds called isoflavones in the body, especially with
regard to the prostate gland.
Are you?
* Male, between 18-35 years of age
* Approximately normal body weight
* No antibiotic use within the past 3 months
* No history of chronic diseases
* Not allergic to soy foods
If you answered yes to all these questions you may qualify to be a part of
the Do-Soy! Study.
As a participant in the study you will be needed to take an isoflavone
supplement tablet three times per day for a period of 7 days.
In addition to taking the supplement, you will be required to visit the
General Clinical Research Center,[snip] two times during the
study. The visits will be scheduled in the morning and will need an
overnight fast. Each visit will last for 1 hour 1.5 hours. At each visit
we will ask you for a 24-hour urine collection, blood and semen. At the
second visit prostatic secretion will be obtained from you via a prostate
massage. You will be asked to collect urine after the prostate massage.
Trained personnel will perform all these procedures. Participants will be
paid up to $100 for the proper completion of the study. You will also be
asked to keep a record of your diet for 3 days before each study visit.
Detailed information will be provided at the orientation.
Hmm... good thing they have a trained professional for the massage. I wouldn't want one of those amateur prostrate masseurs. I hope they have a good benefits package.