An update: I draw a line from A to B...
Saturday, August 11, 2007
"I draw a line from A to B and what happens in betweenIt is an open mystery as far as I can see."
- Fionn Regan
Work has been nuttier than "pee-can"pie (pee can?). All that should have been calm, no ripple, became waves and waves of whitecaps. And now as everyone anticipates the craziness of the coming few weeks, I will smile with its distraction away from the four upholstered walls of my 8'x8' summertime workhouse. I shouldn't complain. I have avoided much of the heat and humidity. There are no traces of the calluses and blisters from my outdoor work. But I am going to complain. Not that I am doing something that isn't my job. It is my job and I am perfectly accepting of that. It is a good job. It has served me well. It is just that my mind grows arms and wrists and palms and digits and fingernails - all to grasp out for the impending future. The weight of paper is somehow so much greater than that of stone.
Ahh... whatever.
In other news, the radio show is going well, I think. I am becoming more comfortable with being on-air and am finding way more than enough good material to put into a show. The thing I am still maybe not-so-comfortable with is that I have no connection to the audience - well, other than friends, family, and a few people at the station. And they (you) are all great, but I want to know if other people are listening and what aspects that they appreciate and don't. I want the audience to grow - I intend to stay true to the concept and want those who like the original concept to still enjoy it, but also to bring on new listeners. I created this show because I know it would be something I would listen to. But I can read books and play music for myself at home. I want people to want to turn on and tune in.
So if you have any more constructive criticism, please bring it. What shows have you liked, which have you not liked? I can take it. I know there are always going to be stronger and weaker shows. Stronger and weaker elements of the stronger and weaker shows. And I also know there is no formula and everyone's taste is different. But I am a host. I want people to taste my Kool-Aid and tell me if they want more sugar, you know?
Anyway, moving on...
School is going to start back up in a few weeks.
I must say, although I am glad that I will have the degree finished, I love taking classes. I get all excited in anticipation of Fall semesters. I dig strolling to class with headphones on listening to Beth Orton, Nick Drake, Iron and Wine, Fiona Apple, etc. as the wind and leaves blow all about. I think fondly of the first few weeks of being all organized and together thinking that this time I will not slack off half way through the semester - that my car will not be a metaphor for my life, having paper everywhere stamped by wet shoes, crumbs of muffins and empty coffee cups all over the floor. But each Fall it happens. And I must admit that I don't mind the clutter. I climb into the car, the sun having warmed the seats just enough that I don't have to turn on the heat and I throw everything in the backseat. A CD lightly scratched from sliding around the center console gets popped in and my unwrapped scarf rides shotgun while the Shins or Pete Yorn or somebody plays the soundtrack to my education years...
and years...
and years.
But only one semester left.
This semester, in addition to the final class I need to graduate, I am taking a painting class! I am going to dig it, I already know. The Design school wanted to focus on teaching both hand drawing and computer skills to their students so I got a few really good introductory courses in drawing. And now that that art drawer of Pandora's desk has been opened...
Painting! I have for a long time been wanting to learn to paint. Of the reasons I went back to school,the primary was to learn something, not just to get a degree. So I will add painting to my experience here at school so I don;t regret not doing it later. And, well, its free, so...
Well, that's about all of the helium that was in my balloon.
Until next time...
1:23 PM ::
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Ian :: permalink

Right on, I'm glad to hear things are moving forward. I hope all continues in that direction. I'm actually thinking of going back to school next year...maybe I should become a parking supervisor...or maybe not :)
By yoshva, at 8/15/2007 6:38 PM -
Enjoyed the post. I read it a while back and hadn't made it back to comment.
By Greg, at 8/22/2007 6:13 AM
Paint some happy little clouds for me.
I asked Ella if she had a message for you. She said, "Oh no the chicken is chasing us, Daddy," then ate a raisn and ran off. No idea what that's about.
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