VOAT - War show
The lead up however, was worse than the actual production. I was working myself up all week. First because I had to choose 90 minutes worth of material that would cross genres enough to fit in to the Tehuti time slot in addition to mine. Later, because I had chosen a topic to be as cautiously tread as War should be.
There was a lot that I would expand upon and further develop on the topic, but 30 minutes only permits so much exploration.
I thank Emily and Josh (and Ike) for giving words of encouragement before the show. They helped.
I did falter in confidence as I was reading words something like "O, God. Smite the foe and tear them to shreds and make widows of their wives, etc." realizing that if people were turning the radio on just then... what in hell would they be thinking I was talking about. I suppose with words like that , they would probably stick around to find out, but I was rattled nonetheless.
That all stopped though when a woman called the studio line. I was expecting something to the effect of, "What in hell are you talking about!" but she called in to thank me for doing what I did (talking about War the way I did) and that she was happy that I was on the air. I was stunned.
Holy crap did that change things for me. It really brought me out of my illusion of obscurity and into the notion that people might actually be finding the show in my tucked-away-time-slot of 10:30 on Sunday nights and enjoy listening. I mean, that was the intent and the hope, but... we all have our little voices, right? Regardless, that really pushed me into believing that this show can have an impact on people if I let it. This changes things - the sails are taut, the rudder set.
Thanks again everyone. You are all good peeps.

Awesome. That's what it's all about; a glimpse of ourselves through someone elses eyes. Maybe it's just our social set, but it seems that other people think we're way cooler than we think ourselves.
By yoshva, at 7/27/2007 7:39 AM
I regret losing consciousness during the show, but it was great. If somebody actually called in to comment, that means there are way more listening and digging it...kind of like seeing one rat; you know there's more.
Keep it up, we need it. -
Thought you might find this interesting, before it's archived. I guess it relates more to our previous discussion than this post, but I thought if I left it here it was more likely to be seen.
By Greg, at 7/30/2007 11:38 PM
nytimes op-ed piece
btw. really enjoyed the show. Only wish 1/2 hour left time for more material. -
Thanks for the comment about the show. Glad you liked it.
By Ian, at 7/31/2007 3:58 PM
And thanks for the NYT piece. I hope they are right - that it is all working out better - though the last paragraph was rather ominous. I was just talking with Emily yesterday about how when trumoil ruled the day, free elections probably weren't the most timely choice.
Maybe its time for a new election. This crew seems to want a vacation anyway, maybe the people can vote them into a permanent one.
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