A Few of My Favorite Things... for now - Music Edition
Friday, June 01, 2007
Feist - The Reminder
If you haven't listened to Feist's new album a few times yet, you don't know what you are missing. The listened to the promo songs before the album came out and wasn't too excited. But each listen after the first helps me appreciate it more. Now it is in heavy rotation (joining the ranks of Arcade Fire's "Neon Bible").
CeU - (Self Titled)

Another album in heavy rotation is one by an Artist named CeU. A great album for those who dig on Bossa Nova sounds. Vocally, she is similar in sound to Bibel Gilberto, but the musical production is much more modern.
Side Note: I found this album at Starbucks, oddly enough. Starbucks has a really good music... um... person?... I discovered some good cover albums, Kid's music albums, world music, and Corrine Bailey Rae (yeah, sometimes I fall for radio-ready substitutes for Lady Badu) there and have seen that KCRW's Morning Becomes Eclectic has a release through Starbucks. Being a musical... person... for an outlet so far-reaching would be a damn cool job.
Secondary Side note: There is a Starbucks across the street from a locally owned coffee shop which has a sign that says "Support Your Local Coffee Shop." Unfortunately their coffee tastes like charred peanut butter. Buying form a chain like Starbucks is a scratching on my soul, but do I do it occasionally? Yeah.
Kings of Leon - Because of the Times

This album got ripped apart by one of the guys on Sound Opinions, but I really dig it for nearly all of the reasons the guy disliked it. The band liked the echoing sound of their music in empty stadiums doing warm ups and when they were the first opening act of big name bands at huge venues. So they recorded their album to replicate that. I respect them for it and love how it sounds. Never really liked (or disliked) their music before this album.
Labels: music
11:36 AM ::
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Ian :: permalink

are you talking about the starbucks by st.kates? if so, that localy owned place is almost never open when I drive by. i would be all about supporting them if they would let me...and their coffee didn't taste like burnt ass...and i even liked coffee in the first place. truth be told, it looks like i wouldn't be all about supporting them, but i like the thought.
By yoshva, at 6/01/2007 6:55 PM -
No. You are talking about Brewberries (where we found the lute player for the wedding). That place has a lot of cool people and their coffee is good.
By Ian, at 6/01/2007 8:15 PM
I mean the place on campus - Washington and Harvard.
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