they don't eat, don't sleep, they don't feed, they dont seethe...
Sunday, March 04, 2007
Since returning from L.A. things have returned to their normal, fast-paced, no-time-for-love-Dr.-Jones pace. Mind you, this is not exactly a complaint. I do feel like the Rats sung of in the title of this post. But the fullness comes with a richness as of late.kay-eff-ay-aye
The radio station continues to fill me with joy. I have felt more comfortable behind the microphone, met some really, really cool people, am figuring out how to navigate the music library...
Here is one of the gems found within (note the spandex, codpieces, and hairdo of the guy on the left. Man, the 80s were bad!)

...and now, they are asking us if we have show ideas to pitch because they are revising their schedule. Not ready yet...
not yet...
and they add a little more chips to my cookie by letting me volunteer the Lunasa show on the 25th. Damn it, that's a great place to be.
Emily may punch me in the mouth for saying so, but I am glad we got this dumping of snow - especially in the manner it came. The roads remained relatively clear, the people knew well ahead and stayed safe, and I have two foot deep channels carved around my block. Haven't taken the opportunity to sled in it yet, but perhaps, if the moment strikes. I keep my sleds in the trunk in case.
Last week, the snow pored off of the curving sloped roof of the field house in a massive sheet and more-than-half-covered all of the cars parked below. We busted over and shoveled them out withe help from good samaritan students and staff and sent them on their way. Two more times the snow sloughed off the roof and nearly took one of our comrades. We persisted, fought through, and were victorious. As the cars pulled away, impressions of what once was remained in the snow.

Eclipsed by the Earth
When the Earth cast its shadow over the moon, an old friend called and said he was in town for an hour and I should stop out to see him. This guy was a good friend in high school, but we had a pretty heavy falling out back in the days of no sleep and too much coffee. We sat. We drank. It felt like a montage sequence from some movie - us laughing, toasting, and doing shots - soundtracked by Pearl Jam's "Off He Goes." I sent him off with a mix I made after he was last in town. Hopefully he finds something in it.
New Friends
At work I am often called out to help people find their car. The past two weeks, I have met a couple of really great people. One is a doctor who may have the cure for MS, found while studying kidney transplant rejection treatments. But the one that had the greatest impression is a Russian Jewish man was born in 1931 - living through damn near all of the worst the world had to offer us. After we had chatted about the Wizard of Oz and his life, he reached into his pocket and pulled out an old business card - cut in half so only his picture remained, the world "Realtor" scratched out with a pen, his phone number hand written in the space below, corners worn - the card seemingly ready for just such a circumstance - and said very seriously, "If you have any questions... you know, that you think no one else can answer but me... You give me a call."
I absolutely will.
I have posted the Arcade Fire, some Alexi Murdoch, and Miho Hatori (of Cibo Matto). I hope you enjoy them.
Peace, people, peace. Back to crazy.