Sledding at the BC
Wednesday, January 17, 2007
Tomorrow night, we are gathering for flying down snowy slopes with graceless, reckless abandon.Here is a map. It is of the cul de sac and parking lot at which you should park (I think it will still be open for parking). Just zoom the map out to find directions to it. Once parked, hopelly we will find each other.
I am not sure what time most people are getting out there, but I will be there around 8pm. Afterward, there may be a second gathering for drinking and being merry without the foreboding of next-day-death.
Whoever you are... you should go. If you plan to come and are concerned at finding us, send me an e-mail, a phone number and I will call back to arrange something.
I hope you can make it.
6:25 PM ::
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Ian :: permalink

This sort of activity is a good way to kill your local, neighborhood Mehmet, fyi.
By Mehmet, at 1/22/2007 3:52 PM
Oh god I'm so old and fragile. :( -
Maim, maybe, not kill. Killing would take some sore of cosmic material fallen to Earth, methinks.
By Ian, at 1/25/2007 9:48 AM
Missed ya on the slopes, but we will get together in some sort of non-life-threatening setting soon.
Take care until then, brother.
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