Renewed focus... but still not here
Thursday, December 28, 2006
Her style is hard to place and I won't bother trying to explain. Just listen. I will say that it fits into the same haunting melancholy my musical tastes have been floating around within over the past few months. This may be a sort of chicken-and-the-egg thing, but it seems like the only music that I appreciate that is coming out these days is "sad bastard music" (to quote Nick Hornby). Where is a quality new hip-hop album when you need one?
The picture is of my new "baby."
Emily read my heart and she and her family all pitched in to get me a mandolin. With my love for folk, and a growing appreciation for the modern local bluegrass scene, a mandolin was a perfect gift. It is a whole new world of music somehow and has renewed my love for making tunes. And its so bloody small, I can take it anywhere. Got it Monday, and now I can play the verses from "Battle of Evermore" for anyone who wants them... though usually that's just me.
Emily read my heart and she and her family all pitched in to get me a mandolin. With my love for folk, and a growing appreciation for the modern local bluegrass scene, a mandolin was a perfect gift. It is a whole new world of music somehow and has renewed my love for making tunes. And its so bloody small, I can take it anywhere. Got it Monday, and now I can play the verses from "Battle of Evermore" for anyone who wants them... though usually that's just me.
Visited the Muddy Pig last Thursday with the homies.
Good times. Great beer. Damn, I want to sit and talk for three days about everything from rocks to Rachmananov to Revelations. But not here... not here.
Good times. Great beer. Damn, I want to sit and talk for three days about everything from rocks to Rachmananov to Revelations. But not here... not here.

Emily's family showed the book above featuring the work of Mr. French. Apparently he was the designer of their neighbor's fireplace and chimney early on in his career - before moving out to do all the work he is known for on Martha's Vineyard. They apparently have a surplus of nice stone and people with the appreciation for dry stonework.
and I realized yesterday that I don't believe in god (as a single creator, entity,or force). My spiritual jury is still in deliberation on the rest of it.
We will just have to see how that turns out.
8:32 AM ::
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Ian :: permalink

This is by far the best blog entry I've read in the past several months. Granted, I took a hiatus from blogs, but even so . . .
By Katie, at 12/28/2006 1:27 PM
The magic of the non-sequitor is indisputable.
P.S. Word verification=uudon -
I got Tony a banjo for his two should play some folk and bluegrass together.
By Liz, at 12/29/2006 2:06 PM -
Lady Pronks(x2):
By Ian, at 12/30/2006 9:12 AM
Thank you...
but I would be downright lying if it didn't seem to be a non-sequitor when I wrote it. (this is where I might put a winking emoticon)
Sista Liz:
I remember you saying he was wanting a banjo. That's one hell of a gift. We shall have to get together to play sometime. Oh, and regardingyour invite to the send off... well, I will call you.
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