...and breathe out...
Thursday, November 09, 2006
Well, I guess I can't complain too much about the results of the election. Other than the 6th district wanting to let "crazy" be their representative trait and the re-election of our states #1 con-man weasel, we did pretty well for ourselves. My concern about the Democrats overstepping with newfound power is to some degree quelched by Pawlenty's presence. Hopefully any nonsense legislation will be veto'd and the sensible ones will not allow the 2/3 majority in order to override it.At the national level, I am truly shocked at the Democrats' rise in strength. Hopefully these two parties will take note of how sick people are of power imbalance. Something else to note is that outside of Virginia and Connecticuts' Democrat-turned-independant candidate, third parties are still not in the political vision of America. It really is a shame and I would be truly surprised to see that change on anything greater than a local level. The only way I see it happening is for some big names from one of the other parties to create a new one. Good luck with that.
But all in all, I think I got what I had hoped for. Gingrich's dream for the right was pushed back, and we have returned to what seems a proper balance. We need conservatives out there to counter the program-happy-democrats and the liberals to hold against the tide of selfish-old-white-men conservatives. The remaining balance of the both of those parties are tolerable on their own.
Oh, yeah...
and Rumsfeld...

good riddance, ya piece-o-shit.