crows nest
from here I can almost see the sea
The civilized man has built a coach, but has lost the use of his feet.
- R. W. Emerson

This ones goes out to Jim...

Wednesday, October 04, 2006
Regina Spektor Live
8:55 AM :: ::
  • So I'm not Jim, but thanks for posting this--I'm listening right now. I keep waiting for her to be available on eMusic so I can afford to buy it. Also,

    1. Happy anniversary!

    2. Happy graduation (?)

    3. Have you listened to Nouvelle Vague? I think you might like them--great covers of bands like the Buzzcokcs, U2, The Cure, etc.


    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 10/04/2006 11:26 AM  
  • Glad you appreciate it.

    Thanks for the "Happies", but, lo, graduation isn't until spring.

    I am now listening to Nouvelle Vague and you are right - I do dig them. They are covering Joy Division. I wonder how they would feel about the Bossa Nova version...

    Thanks and I hope you have been well and good.

    By Blogger Ian, at 10/05/2006 8:04 AM  
  • thanks ian! this woman wrecks me with the things she does with her voice. im sure ill listen to this a few times

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 10/11/2006 6:18 AM  
  • IAN! I MET REGINA SPEKTOR AT THE DRESDEN DOLLS SHOW TONIGHT! i know i texted you with that last night but i had to have something more solid and sinse i dont know anyone awake right now that isnt drunk or lacking in the department of giving a shit i felt it was needed to boast about it again. damnit she's a cute lil' thing! what a great show too!

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 10/19/2006 3:14 AM  
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