Tuesday, October 31, 2006
The final leaves are dropping from the trees and the metaphor has not been lost on me.The landscape project is wrapped up for the season. I do regret to let it sit undone, but the winter is a good time to learn and ponder before taking more action. At least that is the lesson I see in the tree. I tidied up at the site on Saturday and took home some of the extra cash that the project brought. Given that I am kind of proud of the job and the experience, the cash is a large and welcome bonus (much like your ma').
Here are some pics in order from untouched to the present state of undone-ness.
As you can see, there are no plants. I still have yet to add a few more courses, or layers of stone, around much of the wall, bring in some more soil, sculpt a swale, put down fabric, add stone to the swale, then plant it, then mulch, then watch it grow.
Kind of nice to be doing all of the stages of the work.
The Winter-rest is also time for other projects.
Living in Minnesota (until we heed the Call of the West), my design work will be very light in the winter, so I will need other things to occupy my time. For now, given that I have a "real" job, I am able to focus on whatever fanciful nonsense I'd like.
So I am volunteering at KFAI starting Monday. I am pretty excited, really. From what I understand, first you put in 9 hours of standard intern-style work such as data entry and fund-raising, then you choose other jobs such as working in the music library or "on-air" duties. Emily is convinced that through my life I am going to work in radio to some degree and given my esteem for music, community radio and KFAI overall, this is a good place to start... as a hobby.
Oh the Places You'll Go (a.k.a links)
Speaking of KFAI, they posted a streaming version of the Vasen show that I went to a few weeks ago. If you want, I can make you an edited copy and throw it on disk. There was a lot chatting in between the music which may not be interesting to those who aren't into the group.
I will be posting a political statement here in a couple of days, but regarding thinking to the future, check out the Unity 08 website for a concept they are developing. It is still Democrats and Republicans, but at least they are trying something different.
In Pictures:
See Spot run. See Mittens purr. See Mittens kick Spot with a roundhouse (A fake picture, but funny nonetheless).
and The Place:
This is the Glockenspiel. I have said it before and will again that if you are looking for a chill atmosphere with the best bartender in the cities, go to the Glock. The music isn't loud, the lights aren't turned down too low, the beer selection is better than most, and again, Brian is awesome. Not a place to find love, likely, but there is a whole lot of like between friends.
Until next we meet...