An update on Ike and moving onward
Saturday, July 15, 2006
Again, I can do no less than to thank those who have commented or e-mailed us about Meg and given us their sympathy and empathy. There are so many people great people out there who shine through in such times when they are needed, whether they are old friends or those until now unmet.Ike

He also likes to sleep.
Though I joke, it is humorous how if you turn him on his back, he begins to snore and his eyes close (yes, in that order) and within seconds he has pretty much taken refuge in the land of Nod.But all is not roses, as would be expected. He hasn't had any pee problems in our condo, but upon a visit to the brother-in-law's, Ike whizzed on his twelve pack of beer.
At first, I was upset, but finding out it was Summit Grand Pilsner, I understood and thought about doing the same thing myself.
Joking aside, we do have to keep a pretty close watch, just in case, as we don't want him to scent mark even once in the house. That forces us to be in the room with him at all times or for him to be in his kennel when we have to run errands or what have you.
Emily's brother and his family are in from LA so we have been doing a good deal of running aroun. This is one of the many reasons I have been not updating this as often as I might like. The other night we did the local bar stroll and it was good times - closing the places down on a Wednesday night. It has been a while.
He has a little baby and it has been an interesting dynamic and a strange foreshadowing of things to come.
... and I thought dogs took up a lot of time and attention...
Actually, we are looking forward to kids in the relatively near future, wherever we end up. And it has been good to see all of the neices and nephews before they become cousins to our kid(s).
Until then, they will just have to settle for furry family.
A final note
As things are returning to somewhat normal, I expect to return to the old nonsense posted on this blog but I welcome those who have stopped by for support to stick around. Really, this is just a diary for myself to get out my thoughts and to keep friends and family aware of what is going on in my life, but I appreciate anyone's comments and contributions.
I think I am going to carry on much of my Meg conversations on a pet-loss bulletin board that Emily came across. I think that now is the right time and hopefully, I can help other people dealing with the such things like so many people did for me here. Again, I welcome you to return and say hello, but if you do not, thank you again so much. You are beautiful souls and great human beings.