crows nest
from here I can almost see the sea
The civilized man has built a coach, but has lost the use of his feet.
- R. W. Emerson

Just kids...

Tuesday, July 18, 2006
This is really, really sad.

These girls are writing messages on rockets that are being fired on civilians in Lebanon.

12:16 AM :: ::
  • Uh...where is this, and what's the point of it.

    Oh my God, I actually updated my blog...

    By Blogger Liz, at 7/21/2006 1:26 PM  
  • Sorry it took so long to respond. This is some girls in Israel writing messages to those who are being bombed in Lebanon.

    I realize the situation is not simple and it is near impossible to take a side in the matter unless you are directly involved, but this sort of thing is disturbing. Definietly something I wouldn't have expected from a group of people who dealt with what they, their friends, or relatives had gone through only a half-a-century ago.

    By Blogger Ian, at 7/25/2006 2:05 AM  
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