crows nest
from here I can almost see the sea
The civilized man has built a coach, but has lost the use of his feet.
- R. W. Emerson


Monday, June 05, 2006
Toothpastefordinner.com is the site from which I pulled that "comic." A friend at work showed it to me and though some of them are kind of "heh heh" and some are kind of "meh," there are a lot of them that made me throw my head back and laugh. They have at least one each day.

I am not really too attached to the musical choice of the week, in fact I just heard about her that day, but she is pretty good for North American, non-Caribbean female jazz. We will see where she goes, but given the right opportunities she could make some pretty good music. It sounds like her soul is in it.

I needed to focus this week a bit more on plants so I headed down to the Arboretum. I am, as I type, uploading all of the images I had taken. I won't apologize for the quality of most of them as they were meant for simple reference, but if you are interested in plants at all, take a peek here. Every time I return there I remember how beautiful and refreshing it is to go there and I wonder why I don't more often. Then I remember that it is in Chanhassen and I have a grand total of about eight minutes of free time. But I intend for that free time to be utilized there in the future.

And Sketchup is simply an awesome program which Google has now purchased and is giving away a trial version for download. I suggest checking it out it you are interested at all in conceptual three dimensional drawing. It is the easiest thing in the world to use - based on intuitive concepts of manipulation of form. At least watch the demo, but I suggest downloading it and trying out all of the tutorials. It is amazing what you can do with it in so little time.
11:49 PM :: ::
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