Monday, June 05, 2006
Toothpastefordinner.com is the site from which I pulled that "comic." A friend at work showed it to me and though some of them are kind of "heh heh" and some are kind of "meh," there are a lot of them that made me throw my head back and laugh. They have at least one each day.I am not really too attached to the musical choice of the week, in fact I just heard about her that day, but she is pretty good for North American, non-Caribbean female jazz. We will see where she goes, but given the right opportunities she could make some pretty good music. It sounds like her soul is in it.
I needed to focus this week a bit more on plants so I headed down to the Arboretum. I am, as I type, uploading all of the images I had taken. I won't apologize for the quality of most of them as they were meant for simple reference, but if you are interested in plants at all, take a peek here. Every time I return there I remember how beautiful and refreshing it is to go there and I wonder why I don't more often. Then I remember that it is in Chanhassen and I have a grand total of about eight minutes of free time. But I intend for that free time to be utilized there in the future.
And Sketchup is simply an awesome program which Google has now purchased and is giving away a trial version for download. I suggest checking it out it you are interested at all in conceptual three dimensional drawing. It is the easiest thing in the world to use - based on intuitive concepts of manipulation of form. At least watch the demo, but I suggest downloading it and trying out all of the tutorials. It is amazing what you can do with it in so little time.