Meg is gone now
Tuesday, June 27, 2006
Yesterday, everything told us that she was no longer there with us.She is now returned to the earth and to the world. No longer bound by physical form. I realized that I do believe that her energy can now be wherever it needs to be. I can see her between Emily and I in the bed and hear her snort whenever I want to. I can take her everywhere and be with her anytime I want. My memories are a nexus and she still comes when called.
Here is a video from a few months ago before things got worse.
And here is a video from Saturday - her last good day. She was giving out kisses for treats and even gave one to Duncan when I told her to.
And finally, this is my amateur editing of meg doing her infamous wiggle-worm dance. It reminds us of when Snoopy dances from the Peanuts cartoons so...
The videos should work eventually, according to YouTube...
Emily and I are taking the day to get our heads sorted and talk about her and buy a photo album. Yesterday was hard, but I think the hardest part was finding out about the tumor in the first place. It was a culimination of the worst of our fears for her, but now that she is gone... as hard as it is for us... she is free.
12:36 PM ::
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Ian :: permalink

I am so positive this could win a Funniest, Happiest, Home Video thing! I have watched it several times, I just love it!!!
By , at 6/30/2006 10:22 PM
Swet Baby Meg! -
She sure was a precious girl. She odviously loved the life you gave her. Keep her in your hearts and remember that she will be there to greet you with wet sloppy kisses and Snoopy wiggle dances when your time here on this earth is through.
By , at 7/01/2006 3:10 AM -
I'm glad to see that Meg's spirit lives on. I hope you and Emily are doing well.
By , at 7/06/2006 11:08 AM
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