It's Monday again
Monday, June 12, 2006
and here are the news:The images are from the BBC news site. The captions explain it, but they are images taken by kids in Rio who have been given coaching and cameras. I think I already posted about the movie, "Born into Brothels," but it is a documentary with a similar idea.
The music is a guy who reminds me a heck of a lot of Nick Drake, so if you like the late Mr. Drake, you will likely appreciate his music.

This week I went to the dentist and had my face drilled up a bit.
This is the message I got today from my teeth:
And finally, I found the link to this via aaron at I think it has a high potential of coolness for all cities-big and small. I would like to see someone put together a local one.
Anyway... enojoy and I hope everone has a good week. Until next we meet...