Earlier rather than later
Sunday, June 18, 2006
I went to half-price books and as usual, I spent more money on multiple books than I would have had I simply purchased the book I was originally looking for elsewhere. So I ended up with the book for which I had gone there, "Hitchhiker's Guide...," by Douglas Adams (I don't know why I haven't read it yet); The Four Agreements (a book about...hmm... self... something. I friend recommended it and what it says makes sense); A new small format copy of The Prophet by K.B.; and a pocket Guide to Meditation (I find that these little 3x5" books are the ideal format and buy them in that size whenever possible. I think all books should be considered "field guides".Anyway, when I was there I came across a book which is the "weekly image." Now if you haven't found the humor in it yet, think with the mind of a fourteen year-old boy (or a 29 year-old adolescent, in this case). It was one of those moments where I stood there, crippled by my own joke, trying to capture the photo on my camera. In regard to the author, maybe his book wouldn't have ended up at half-priced books if it would have befit his subject. Perhaps Hugh Geranium or Hugh Juniper. I think you get it by this point...
The music is a chap that I found out about when browsing npr.com a while back. I dig his stuff. Have a listen.
The place requires a bit of a story. Last week, the woman who is the director for the place at which I intern invited me to go to a "design charrette" for the new location of that place. It was a really good experience and I got to meet and work with a lot of cool artists, landscape designers, architects, and all sorts of others. It is the first time that I have gotten to work on a potential project of such grand scale. I will make sure my "boss" knows how much I appreciated it.
And in my current attempts to not say anything without something to say, there is no "other thing." I found myself digging around for something and that just became a rather sad waste of time. So, sorry. Oooh, I just thought of something awesome, so I am going to put it up. It is a photographer's website who does brilliant work. It will be there soon.
Okay. I was distracted by something that seemed altogether better than that artist's website, so the link is to that other thing. Enjoy. Maybe next week, photographer person.